Leangkollen Security Conference 2023
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- Oslo University Aula, Karl Johans gate 47, 0162, Oslo

The Leangkollen Security Conference 2023 took place between February 6th and 7th. This year the Conference focused on "The Age of Great Power Competition: Democracy Versus Autocracy in Light of Russia's War Against Ukraine".
The 58th annual Leangkollen Security Conference!
Click here for the official Conference program
The title of the 58th Leangkollen Security Conference, "The Age of Great Power Competition - Democracy Versus Autocracy in Light of Russia’s War Against Ukraine" emphasized how our liberal, rules-based international order is under pressure. This has become even more evident after Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine on the 24th of February 2022. The Russian revisionist and imperialistic desires are forging a dangerous conflict between defenders of the rules-based international system and those with authoritarian ambitions. How should NATO, the EU and its democratic key partners respond coherent against a world order where might trumps right? With increased great power rivalry and war in Europe, the dynamics of international peace and security has changed drastically.
The war in Ukraine is a tipping point. What are the geopolitical implications of the war, most notably for the Transatlantic community and the democratic international rules-based order? How do we ensure that Ukraine wins this war to the benefit of all?
Great power rivalry is also knocking on Norway’s back door, particularly in the maritime domain. Do we see a changed behavior from Russia and China in our region? How does the future of sea power look? A new geopolitical reality is being shaped right now.
You can watch the full conference by visiting our Youtube-channel: